As a popular educator, I’ve worked collaboratively to create community organizing curricula for homeless rights organizations, community land trusts and grass roots organizations working on issues from immigration to LGBTQ rights.

As an oral historian I am really excited about creating popular education materials based on oral history interviews and archival materials from the Picture the Homeless Oral History Project, and sharing the lessons contained within narrators stories accessible across multi media platforms, including zines and audio clips.

Some examples of recent popular education materials are found here:

Oral History

If this is work that you would like support with, I’d love learn about your project and brainstorm with you.

As an adjunct professor and lecturer my primary goal is to engage students to deepen their understanding of the subject area by encouraging students to examine who and what they deem as legitimate sources of information, and why.

I support students to view social problems and issues as the result of public policies that reflect the power dynamics in society. Social issues and problems not only cause harm to some segments of society, they only exist because other segments with more political power benefit. From that vantage point we see that all problems have solutions, and what structural changes must take place in order to do so.

I’ve taught courses at the New School for Social Research, Queens College, Hostos Community College and Columbia University, primarily in the areas of public policy, housing and homelessness, community organizing, critical thinking and research methods with a focus on oral history research.

I am always open to exploring other opportunities.

My workshops and presentations are all customized to meet the needs of a group, organization or institution.

Please visit for more detail about my approach to consulting and examples of workshops that I’ve developed.